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Artsrunyan Eduard Simonovich

28 декабря 1929 (Leninakan (nowadays Gyumri))

From 1938 studied at the Merkurov's School of Art.
1944 moved to Yerevan and joined the Terlemezjan's School of Art.
1947-1951 studied at the Academy of Arts of the USSR in Leningrad (nowadays St. Petersburg).
1951-1957 studied at the Repin's Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture under the Academy of Arts of the USSR in Leningrad.
1957 participated in the All-Union Art Exhibition in Moscow.
1961 became a member of the Union of Artists of the USSR.
1982-1985 awarded by the Union of Artists of Armenia.
1984 honoured as a Deserved Artist of Armenia.
1989 hosted a personal exhibition of one hundred pictures in the Central House of Artists in Moscow.
1980 become the 90th the member of the Union of Artists, the Chairman of the painting section of the Union of Artists of Armenia, taught in the Art School of Terlemezjana (Armenia, Yerevan), at The Art Institute (nowadays The Academy of Arts, Armenia, Yerevan).

See all placards in Sergo Grogoryan collection