Redavantgarde Русская версия
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Place of publication


  • Cat. no: 1987 

    Artist: Zotov K.V.

    Year: 1935

  • Cat. no: 1902 

    Artist: Shubina G.K.

    Year: 1934

  • Cat. no: 1780 / S649

    Artist: Mitryashkin M. Y.

    Year: 1959

  • Cat. no: 1764 

    Artist: Rotov K.P.

    Year: 1939

  • Cat. no: 1704 

    Artist: Terpsikhorov N.B.

    Year: 1931

  • Cat. no: 1625 

    Artist: Nesterova-Berezina Maria Aleksandrovna

    Year: 1946

  • Cat. no: 1476 

    Artist: Govorkov V. I.

    Year: 1957

  • Cat. no: 1449 

    Artist: Ignatovich E.

    Year: 1931

  • Cat. no: 1379 

    Artist: Nekrasov B.

    Year: Неизвестен

  • Cat. no: 1182 

    Artist: Zernova Ekaterina Sergeevna

    Year: 1933

  • Cat. no: 1180 

    Artist: Zernova Ekaterina Sergeevna

    Year: 1934

  • Cat. no: 1178

    Artist: Zernova Ekaterina Sergeevna

    Year: 1934

  • Cat. no: 1169 / S35

    Artist: Kokorekin A.A.

    Year: 1951

  • Cat. no: 1168 

    Artist: Koretsky V.B.

    Year: 1951

  • Cat. no: 1167 

    Artist: Suryaninov V.V.

    Year: 1950

  • Cat. no: 1166 

    Artist: Chudov Y.N.

    Year: 1951

  • Cat. no: 1118 

    Artist: Kalmykov V.

    Year: 1934

  • Cat. no: 945 

    Artist: Unknown

    Year: 1931

  • Cat. no: 855 / S132

    Artist: Tskhadahze Sh.

    Year: 1953

  • Cat. no: 843 

    Artist: Sitnikov V.

    Year: 1939

  • Cat. no: 766 

    Artist: Unknown
    Gromitsky I. I.

    Year: 1930

  • Cat. no: 574 

    Artist: Izenberg V.K.

    Year: 1924

  • Cat. no: 567 

    Artist: Zotov K.V.

    Year: 1937

  • Cat. no: 563 / S762

    Artist: Marize-Krasnokutskaya M.A.

    Year: 1961

  • Cat. no: 497 

    Artist: Alyakrinsky Petr Alexandrovich

    Year: 1930

  • Cat. no: 482 

    Artist: Shubina G.K.

    Year: 1935

  • Cat. no: 340 / S691

    Artist: Uspensky B.A.

    Year: 1953

  • Cat. no: 317 / S767

    Artist: Nizova-Shablykina (Nizovaya) S.M.

    Year: 1959

  • Cat. no: 312 / S22

    Artist: Nizova-Shablykina (Nizovaya) S.M.

    Year: 1955

  • Cat. no: 311 / S418

    Artist: Borovsky D. B.

    Year: 1954

  • Cat. no: 308 

    Artist: Nizova-Shablykina (Nizovaya) S.M.

    Year: 1954

  • Cat. no: 288 / S655

    Artist: Nizova-Shablykina (Nizovaya) S.M.

    Year: 1953

  • Cat. no: 243 / S658

    Artist: Nizova-Shablykina (Nizovaya) S.M.

    Year: 1954

  • Cat. no: 237 / S412

    Artist: Govorkov V. I.

    Year: 1959

  • Cat. no: 230 / S319

    Artist: Vatolina Nina Nikolaevna

    Year: 1950

  • Cat. no: 189 / S20

    Artist: Artsrunyan E.S.

    Year: 1964

  • Cat. no: 179 

    Artist: Nizova-Shablykina (Nizovaya) S.M.

    Year: 1954

  • Cat. no: 100 

    Artist: Volk L.

    Year: 1930

  • Cat. no: 78 / S266

    Artist: Berezovsky B. F.

    Year: 1956

  • Cat. no: 64 

    Artist: Unknown

    Year: 1929

  • Cat. no: 48 / S19

    Artist: Dobrov A. N.

    Year: 1961

  • Cat. no: 42 / S282

    Artist: Marize-Krasnokutskaya M.A.

    Year: 1959