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Down with the children punishment! For a new life - a new upbringing.


Cat. no: 497
Year: 1930
Issue: 30 000
Publisher: Gosudarstvennoe Izdatelstvo
Place of publishing:
  • Moscow; Leningrad
  • Constructivism
  • Lubok
Printing Technique: Multicolor lithography
  • Russian
Size: 104 x 72
Condition: Excellent. Duplicated.
Description: For a new life - a new upbringing.
Ill-treatment of a child drives him from the family to homelessness.
Create a joyful working life for your child, and no punishment will be needed.
Influence on the child you need:
A good example, caring, affectionate attitude, friendly advice, firmness in the requirements, understandable to the child, help in organizing children's life - labor, creative, social.
If you do not know how to cope with a child - ask for advice:
in pedagogical consultation, in school, in a kindergarten, in a pioneer detachment - they will help.
Period: 1922-1930
  • Childhood and Youth
  • Pioneers and schoolchildren
Reference Price: £ 2300