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The life of the illiterate man. The life of the literate man.


Cat. no: 891
Year: 1920
Issue: Неизвестен
Publisher: Gosudarstvennoe Izdatelstvo
Place of publishing:
  • Peterburg (Leningrad)
  • Lubok
Printing Technique: Multicolor lithography
  • Russian
Size: 51 х 69
Condition: Good. The edges are slightly worn out. Vertical and horizontal creases from folding.
Notes: Butnik-Siverskiy B.S.
Soviet Posters of the Civil War Era. 1918-1921.
M., 1960. No.3288. Page 488.(138).

Polonsky V.
Russian Revolution Poster.
M, 1925. No. 728. Page 178.(057).

There lived in the village a peasant Sergei,
He was a experienced literate man!
His friend-book will tell him everything
Where to buy a good plow,
Where to get the seeds, how should

Keep the flock in order.
He could always read,
How to fertilize the soil.
That is why he is every year
The rye sees a wonderful shoot!

Sergei needed cattle.
He goes to the fair,
Taking the book, where you can see clearly,
How to buy, so as not to vain
For the cow to give money.

Here Sergey began to choose
As the merchants did not say,
As the goods did not praise,
With the book he advises
The book is a friend, it will not let you down.

In its coming business
Our city is Sergey, he is there
Feels at home,
As if he knew everything.
Only the name will only read,

He boldly marches forward.
Do not bother anyone
Knows all the tram ways,
Where is the reading room, where is the hospital,
The capital is not terrible to him!

It's been a few days
Sergei began to grow old.
Death is on. He wrote a will.
Then he wrote a letter
To the son sends. His son arrived.

Illiterate man dies not alone.
In his notebooks
All expenses, all incomes
He entered. And it is clear for his son,
Father's life did not go in vain.

Period: 1917-1921
  • Art, Science and Education
Reference Price: £ 1100

Books in which this poster was printed