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Arshinov Alexandr Nikolaevich

20.09.1900 (Kursk)  —  20.04.1942 (Moscow)

Architect and painter. Was born in Kursk. Received his primary education in Sretensky-Florovsky parish school of Kursk (1911). Graduated from Kursk technical school (1918). Served in the Red Army on the Southern Front (1919 - 1920).Studied at the Faculty of Fine Arts at the Moscow Prechistensky Practical Institute (1921 - 1922). Apprentice of such artist as Korovin, Krimov and Ulyanov. In autumn 1922, after the Faculty had been closed down, enrolled to VKHUTEMAS, where he worked in the Mashkevich's and Zavyalova's studios (1922 - 1923). In 1923 he joined the Faculty of Architecture, after graduating (1929) had worked as an architect in Makhachkala at Dagestan's Project Design Office (1929 - 1931) and in "Promstroyproyekt" in Moscow (1931 - 1941). Arshinov has fulfiled a series of projects for factory buildings in Gorky, Lugansk and other cities. In 1929 did sketching of the ruinsand measurements of the buildings of the Kursk Native Fair. He worked as a graphic artist and a painter, has created a series of illustrations to the poem "Twelve" (1924) by Alexander Bloka, the novel "Petersburg" (1925 - 1927) by A. White, etc. At the end of 1936 these works have been given to the Pushkin Literary Museum. Participated in Kursk Exhibition (1926), exhibition of amateur art performances in Central Builderer's Club named after. Dzerzhinsky in Moscow (1936, 1937) and other exhibitions. Buried in Vagankovsky cemetery in Moscow.

See all placards in Sergo Grogoryan collection