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If you don’t want a bourgeoisie’s whip - sign up with Red Army!


Cat. no: 1247
Year: 1920
Issue: Неизвестен
Publisher: Odesskij Gubernskij Otdel Pechati
Place of publishing:
  • Odessa
  • Caricature
  • Lubok
Printing Technique: Multicolor lithography
  • Russian
Size: 73 х 65
Condition: Good. Duplicated. Loss of the bottom right corner. Restoration of tears with patches. Wear of the right edge.
Notes: Butnik-Siverskiy B.S. Soviet Posters of the Civil War Era. 1918-1921. M., 1960. No.1448. Page 288.(138). Polonsky V. Russian Revolution Poster. M, 1925. No. 383. Page 150.(057).
Description: The Pans want to return the old days. They break into our peaceful villages and cities, robbing, raping and killing. But workers and peasants can engage in peaceful labor, when the Red Army protects the Soviet lands. Go all to the Red Army. Do not wait for your wives, children and fathers to fall back under the whip of the pans and capitalists.
Period: 1917-1921
  • Civil War
  • Soviet Ukrainian Poster
  • Anti-Polish propaganda
Reference Price: £ 1300

Books in which this poster was printed