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A golden loan will give everything!


Cat. no: 363
Year: 1921
Issue: 10 000
Publisher: Gublit
Place of publishing:
  • Moscow
  • Lubok
Printing Technique: Multicolor lithography
  • Russian
Size: 41 x 34
Condition: Excellent. Duplicated. Traces of the restoration of the loss of the bottom right and top left corners. Inventory stamp in the top right corner.
Description: Comrade peasant!
1). that paper money is getting cheaper;
2). that after a while they will not be able to buy anything if they are kept in your pocket;
3). that your work becomes cheaper along with money and will go to waste if you do not timely exchange your paper money for a gold loan:
4). buy a ticket (bond) of a gold loan is like buying a gold pituitary, and even more profitable, because a gold loan brings an annual income (interest);
5. that having a loan, you can become a rich man, having won a lot of money (up to 100,000 rubles of gold);
6). that each drawing of a gold loan gives an opportunity to win 100,000 rubles in gold, 50,000 rubles. gold. 25000 rub. gold and below. All wins 13.169 in one lottery;
7). that a loan can be mortgaged in banks or financial departments, having received a loan for it at 60% of its value;
8). that you can always get more for it than you paid for it, as the price of gold always grows;
9). that the loan can always be bought at the Loan Office: Moscow, Tverskaya, 51;
10). that the loan can be written out from the Bureau and get a redemption package.
Period: 1917-1921
  • Military-patriotic and revolutionary posters
  • Socialist economics
Reference Price: £ 1400